Our Equipment


The majority of the questions and often criticism we receive pertains to us being an all electric company. Many are skeptical as to whether or not this new technology can keep up with its heavyweight gas counterpart. However, with the banning of fossil fuels set to take effect in 2035, people are now seeing the need to use the earth's finite resources more sparingly. You have to agree that your grass will continue to grow if someone isn't out there cutting it, right? Multiply this by everyone using those finite resources on their own lawns to fix this problem. Unless we all want to revert back to sickles and scythes we must find a different and more efficient way to take care of this headache. Perhaps the best rebuttal to the new wave of technology are the arguments made against the lithium ion battery.

Wait a minute, aren't we just trading one resource for another? This is correct. However, The fact is that the current materials needed for our most efficient fuels all come from finite resources. What matters here is the abundance and impact on our planet. A new study from the Transport & Environment(link this) group in the UK calculated and stated that the amount of fuel burned in a gas powered vehicle is 300 to 400 times the amount of material lost in making an EV battery pack. "close to 17,000 liters of petrol, which would be equivalent to a stack of oil barrels 90m high." compared to "around 30 kilograms of metals would be lost... about the size of a football." Now this comparison is for automobiles, but one can quickly see those liters and footballs adding up.
